Unit-2 Communication (Freewriting) Exercise & Grammar : Class 11 English

Unit: 2
Freewriting Notes PDF

Communication class 11 exercise questions, answers, and notes with PDF is given here. The article titled "Freewriting" is a article written by Elbow and he discusses how free writing may assist a person in improving their writing abilities. In order to convince readers, the author offered his viewpoint based on relevant facts and supporting debate. You can download this exercise in PDF format with the free pdf download link provided in this article.

Communication class 11 handwritten PDF Notes:


Freewriting, in the author's view, is the antithesis of editing. According to him, practising freewriting can help improve our writing. He claims that freewriting should not be analysed, debated, or remarked upon in any manner. 

When it comes to tone, texture, and rhythm, to him, each writer has their own distinct writing style. The more we edit, the more we limit our ability to be creative. There is no examination of the grammatical error, coherency, accuracy in the freewriting which allows people to practise and improve their writing. Freewriting exercises are recommended by the author as the finest way to improve one's writing.

Writer's block can be overcome with freewriting by allowing the writer's writing with freedom and without worrying about editing. In this procedure, new words are generated, gathered, and then written down on the page.

Writer’s writing process must remain fluid despite the free flow of thoughts. Editing worries can be banished if freewriting is practised more frequently. One must write without thinking about obstacles like grammar checks or spelling checks when he/she is freewriting. This procedure can be completed in a relatively short amount of time. Editing must be eradicated from the writer's mind.

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