A Red, Red Rose Exercise Class 11 English: Summary & Questions Answers
A Red, Red Rose is a poem written by Robert Burns which is included in class 11 English poem section unit 2. This poem basically expresses the love of one partner to his/her beloved in a romantic way. Summary and exercise of this poem is discussed in this article.
A Red, Red Exercise Notes

You can watch this one video because each point and context are thoroughly discussed in this video about this poem with Nepali Summary.
A Red, Red Rose Summary
'A Red, Red Rose' was written by Robert Burns, the national poet of Scotland. It expresses the speaker's undying devotion to his lover and vow s that their love will last beyond the lifespan of humans and even the earth itself.
The speaker describes his or her love, meaning either the person the speaker loves or the speaker's feelings of love for that person, as being as beautiful, vivid, and fresh as a flower that has just recently bloomed. This love is as sweet as a beautiful song played by a skilled musician.
The beloved is so beautiful that the speaker loves her with a deep and strong passion, so strong, in fact, that the speaker's love will last until the oceans have become dry. Even after the seas have evaporated and the earth has decayed, the speaker will still love the beloved. This love will endure until their own lives have ended and even until all human life has ended.
The speaker concludes by saying goodbye to the beloved, who is, the speaker reminds her, the only person the speaker loves. The speaker wishes her well during their temporary separation. The speaker reaffirms his or her faithful love by promising to return even if the journey covers a very long distance and takes a very long time.