Unit 17 Countries and Town Exercise: Class 10 English Guide
This unit explores life in urban and rural settings through two enlightening pieces of literature. Let's examine the exercises for both chapters. Lets have a glance on this unit's summary, question answer, exercise solution, grammar and reading I and II.
Class 10 English Unit 17 Countries and Town Exercise

Reading I "London vs Paris" compares and contrasts two iconic European cities - their histories, architectures, cultures and personalities providing insights into urban diversity. Questions test reading comprehension while grammar focuses on subject-verb agreement. For creative writing, students describe their dream city or town.
Reading II is the poem "The Country Mouse & The City Mouse" featuring mice characters, playfully contrasts rural simplicities with urban amenities through timeless animal characters, ending with acceptance of different lifestyles. Exercises include identifying poetic devices, answering inference questions and a grammar activity on verbs. Students then pen their own mouse fable or poem.
Analyzing the tale and poem aids developing analytical thinking. Comparing metropolitan areas and rural vs urban lifestyles enhances general awareness. Grammatical revisions on agreement and verbs hone language skills. The writing tasks encourage original storytelling.
Unit-17 Countries & Towns
London vs Paris Notes
- a. What are the famous rivers in London and Paris? Answer: The famous river in London is the River Thames, and in Paris, it is the River Seine.
- b. Why do football fans prefer London to Paris? Answer: Football fans may prefer London over Paris because London has a higher number of top-tier football clubs and a more extensive football culture.
- c. In 2018 which of the two cities had more tourists? Q: The 2018 MasterCard report indicates that London was the second most-visited city in the world by foreigners after Bangkok. Paris came third on the list.
- d. When Is The Best Time Of Year To Go To London? Question: When is the best time to visit London?Answer: Spring (March to May) or summer (June to August), when temperatures average around 60 F and outdoor activities abound.
- e. Which of the cities is cheaper to visit? Question: How affordable is travel? Answer: Travel affordability is related to accommodation, transportation and food options. On the whole, Paris is more expensive than London by a notch.
- f. Where is better to get a cab: London or Paris? Why? Q: Is it easier to grab a cab in London or New York?A: London, on the whole, has more licensed taxis and its ubiquitous black cabs are incredibly findable. But both London and Paris have established markets for taxi services.
Reading II
The Country Mouse and the City Mouse Poem Summary
The poem of the Country Mouse and the City Mouse This is an Aesop's fable. The poem narrated a story of two mice; one is very happy & free with his life in the countryside & another mouse who lives a stressed, full packed life being in the city.
A City Mouse invites a Country Mouse to spend some time with him in the plush city he lives in. Enter the Country Mouse, who comes for a visit and is awed by all the wonderful food and comforts to be found in the city home. One day however, the house has a rumble when humans arrive — and the Country Mouse is terrified of such creatures, so he makes a hasty exit back to his humble (but secure) country life.
The poem carries the message that, despite having a beautiful and luxurious outside appearance, this particular building harbors danger and discomfort. That is why simple pleasures limited space, safe environment are better than flashy life style. It is also kind of teaching to be content without material comforts.
It shows the juxtaposition of country and city life- the country comforts that are simple but safe compared to city pleasures that thrill but kill. It is a commentary that ultimately advocates moderation, being content with what one has instead of searching opulence at the expense of inner peace.
To summarize, the poet uses the experiences of mice to illustrate that a life in which one has enough for his hungry needs is better than an extravagant life consisting only of risk and fear. Prizing simplicity, safety and security above luxury and false sensuality.
Key Notes
- Q.1 How did the country mouse live? Response: The country mouse lived a safe but simple life in the countryside with a cozy home and plenty of food to eat.
- b) What led the town mouse to visit the countryside? Q: Why did the town mouse go to the country?
- c. Was the country mouse glad when she was invited to go to town? Why? Answer: Yes, the country mouse was thrilled at the invitation. Against the horrors of that fu-fu soldier uniform (every bright color that he adored worn in luger shapes), she had never seen any luxuries.
- d. What was going on when the mice were having their dinner? D: Just then when the mice were eating a very big meal, humans came into the house and it made the house shake and the country mouse became scared.
- f. What did the country mouse ask her friend to do? Response: The country mouse asked her town friend to take her back home to the tranquil countryside. She learned that the simple things were worth more than luxuries tainted with peril.